Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Punk inspiration

I always like to try to mix different styles and I have always really liked the way punk looked on others.. So I decided to find some inspiration to see how it can be mixed up!

Grunge fashion oh my god i love this

An outfit wish a skirt that I would actually wear.... THIS IS VERY RARE...

Love this outfit in pieces for everyday or all together for a work (semi) appropriate option for Halloween.

Sexy Gothic Punk Hoop Pentagram Bra Tribal Belly Dance Clubbing Gothic Wicca L

More emphasis on goth than "pastel goth" here, seems to me... but #killer nonetheless ♥†♥

I want those sunglasses and that hat and that jewlery and everything else!! Pastel Goth

.Adore <3 I want a hat like that... I want everything in this picture, especially the hair.

As you may have noticed my style is usually quite girly.. unless I am in a really lazy mood and just want to wear leggings and big sweaters xD I really like how this kind of mixes the feminine with sexy style. I hope you liked this post!

Much Love!


  1. Ahh I love this post, it feels like a breath of fresh air lol. Really been feeling this style lately!

    Clairey xx

    1. Haha I know what you mean -.^ I have the same, so really needed to write this !

  2. Oooh great inspo! I love these kind of posts! *3*

    1. Thank you! me too! These posts always give me new ideas :D
